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Benefactors, Partners

Our ongoing sustenance is due to the belief that some of you have on us to continue to cater to the needs of the society in rural Tamil Nadu and the blessings, guidance, moral & financial support. You are our strength. While we take a moment to remember & recognize our benefactors below, we humbly request all of you good Samaritans to support us in whichever way you can.

Payroll Contribution: As the famous Tamil saying goes… சிறுதுளி பெருவெள்ளம், meaning even a mighty ocean is made of little drops of water, that even a small drop accumulates to a flood, no contribution is small & whether you are an individual (or) an organization, you can choose to stand with us through your payroll giving. By opting to share a small part of your monthly income, you could support our child empowerment program, ADITHALAM (and/or) women upliftment & elderly assistance program, SAMOOGHAM which impacts the societies of the hinterlands in Tamil Nadu. If you are an employee, you can approach your employer with a request to contribute a small part of your monthly income to SSCT causes. If you are an organization, you can encourage this habit of monthly giving among your employees. No contribution is small…

Recruitment Partners: CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is a unique opportunity for businesses to give back to the society & communities where they operate in. At SSCT, while our grassroots team is committed & trained to execute tailored programs like ADITHALAM & SAMOOGHAM for the betterment of society, your partnership will go a long way in this resolve. Be it a more corporatized way of functioning, brand association with an organization like yours,or  CSR fund access, we believe our targeted intervention programs will be strengthened further to help keep our children physically fit, mentally agile, and culturally rich through the “After-School Programs” (ie. ADITHALAM) & also our pillars of the society (ie. women & elders) uplifted through our SAMOOGHAM initiatives. Together, we can create a more equitable and prosperous society as we march towards the golden period of our nation.

Indian Overseas Bank, Ayikudy

Punjab National Bank, Tenkasi

State Bank of India, Tenkasi & New Delhi

Income Tax Department for extending 80G concession for donations made to the Trust

Ministry of Home Affairs for granting us permission to accept foreign donations

MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) for giving permissions to accept CSR funding

Post-Office, Ayikudy & Tenkasi

Professional Couriers & other support partners in Tenkasi

Ayikudy and Kilankadu Panchayats, TNEB – Ayikudy & BSNL – Idaikal

Our Advisory Committee Members Mr. R. Viswanathan & R. Venkatakrishnan for their valuable guidance

Eminent contributors who conducted motivational programs for the children and the youth

In memory of Urulikal KTR, his illustrious son Shri. T. Srinivasan gives Education support to those we recommend

CSR supporters with company logos …

Smt. Gayathri Krishnamurthy who has been a regular donor & well-wisher of our cause

Shri. R. Sathiavageeswaran of M/s Sharadaa Ceramics Pvt. Ltd., Chennai for sponsoring dresses for the senior citizens, the physically challenged, and other residents of the local community in need 

Shri. S. Chandrasekaran, resident of Chennai for sponsoring food-packets on the occasion of the Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi Jayanthi. He also sponsors Notebooks for our students every year.

Shri. S. Govindaraj of BSNL, Madurai for his financial help extended to deserving individuals recommended by us

Our sincere gratitude to all staff members, grassroot teams, teachers / volunteers for Language training, Academic tutoring, Music, Veena, Mridangam etc.

Suswaad Shri. K. Ramesh who has been helping us in many ways across many initiatives

Sponsors of our Brochures, annual reports, Printers, etc.

Last but not least… our co-trustees Smt. Nandini Ramanan, Shri. M. Balasubramanian, Shri. S. Chandrasekaran and Mrs. A. Azhagumeena for finding time from their busy schedules to attend all the Governing body meetings and share their valuable inputs. We take a moment to thank our former trustees Shri. A. S. Narayanan and Smt. R. Pitchammmal, who have been blessing us in all our efforts wholeheartedly.

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