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We, as SSCT family have had a lot of good memories, new beginnings in the past years while there
had been a few unfortunate grieving news as well… As we cherish the good, we owe it to us & our
friends / family to remember the grief and seek the divine blessings to the grieving people / family /
community to keep them at the ultimate goal of “Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavanthu”.

Message of Condolence:
Our PM, Shri Narendra Modi while paying tributes to the revered M. S. Swaminathan, referred to
how “The Green Revolution” offered a glimpse of India’s “Can do spirit” to the world. The loss of M.
S. Swaminathan, Father of Green Revolution in India is irreparable loss to our country. As we pay
homage to the illustrious son of the country, we convey our deep grief to his family and members /
staff of the illustrious M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation whose larger goal is for the
betterment of our societies which in our own little way, we at SSCT trying to emulate. Om Shanthi.

Message of General Condolence:
We take this opportunity to share with our donors the undeniable, irreparable change and in some
cases damage to their lives caused due to passing away of family, near-and-dear owing to Covid-19
illness, besides other causes like age-related, chronic-illness, bouts of seasonal diseases. Om Shanthi.

Message of Personal Grief at SSCT:
Our Managing Trustee, Mrs. Lakshmi Ramakrishnan lost her mother L. Janaki ammal on 6 th August
2023. She was 84 years at the time of passing in the comfort of her home and had to endure a brief
period of illness. The care Mrs. Lakshmi Ramakrishnan took to enable her mother lead a quality of
life even at her advanced age was truly inspirational that she considered it as her solemn duty above
everything else. Mrs. Ramakrishnan kindly recalled with emotion the advice of her mother when she
was to get married to Mr. Ramakrishnan. Her mother asked her to take a vow that she would stand
by her husband for all time to come and how her mother was very adept in the art of drawing
kolams (which is believed to be by some as a representation of cosmic dance of the planetary
devatas with respect to each other)… and is a tradition bequeathed to us by our ancestors.

All of us in the family of Sri Subramanya Charitable Trust (SSCT), share her grief and pray that Mrs.
Lakshmi Ramakrishnan is given the courage and fortitude to bear this irreparable loss. It is with great
pride & truly an inspirational act even at difficult times… we commend Mrs. Lakshmi Ramakrishnan
for donating the eyes of her mother, never allowing her personal grief distract her from the the
larger social cause she dedicated her life for as perfectly coined in all our SSCT activities & actions,
“Sewa Parmo Dharma”. We pray for the departed soul to attain its solitude. Om Shanthi.

Some Good Memories… Milestone B’day, Family events, Accolades, etc. of staff, et al.??

Other Messages

We, as SSCT family have had a lot of good memories, new beginnings in the past years while there
had been a few unfortunate grieving news as well… As we cherish the good, we owe it to us & our
friends / family to remember the grief and seek the divine blessings to the grieving people / family /
community to keep them at the ultimate goal of “Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavanthu”.

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