Our Vision
At Sri Subramanya Charitable Trust (SSCT)… Our Vision is to stimulate and manifest the essential goodness and divinity inherent in the children of our neighborhood through the seamless blending of education, cultural training, sports & character-building. Besides children, anchor to any society & its societal values are its women. We strive to impart necessary employable skills that make them self-sustaining and; contribute towards the betterment of their families. It is our conviction that this would bring material and spiritual prosperity for themselves, their families, and the community at large.

Our Mission
Our Trust's Mission started as us acting as a medium to engage & impart academic support, fine-arts involvement & sports excellence to rural students belonging to the poor, the under-privileged, and the marginalized sections living in and around Ayikudy (Kadayanallur Taluk, Tenkasi / Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu-INDIA). Now we are proud to extend our services in the following areas (not limiting):
We believe & aspire to see the pillars of our society (ie. women & children) blossom as well-rounded individuals who will in turn lead such initiatives for others in the future thus creating a “Ripple- effect” of positive impact on LIVEs & LIVELIHOODs of the entire community.