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S No | Name of the Event | Month |
1 | Mahavir Jayanthi (4th) | April |
2 | Tamil New-Year’s Day (14th) | April |
3 | Dr. Ambedkar’s Birth Anniversary (14th) | April |
4 | Ramzan (22nd) | April |
5 | Monthly Personality Development Course | April |
6 | Monthly Cultural Activities (Speech) | April |
7 | Distribution of Dress-materials to Senior-citizens & others | April |
8 | International Worker’s Day (1st) | May |
9 | Buddha Poornima (5th) | May |
10 | Distribution of Books, Note-books, Stationaries to Kids | May |
11 | Long Excursion | May |
12 | Summer Coaching Camp & Competitions | May |
13 | Monthly Personality Development Course | May |
14 | Monthly Cultural Activities (Bhajan practice) | May |
15 | International Environment Day (5th) | June |
16 | International Yoga Day (21st) | June |
17 | Planting of Saplings | June |
18 | Monthly Personality Development Course | June |
19 | Long Excursion | July |
20 | Monthly Personality Development Course | July |
21 | Monthly Cultural Activities (Magic Show for Kids) | July |
22 | Independence Day Celebrations (15th) | August |
23 | Monthly Personality Development Course | August |
24 | Monthly Cultural Activities (Drama) | August |
25 | Teacher’s Day (5th) | September |
26 | Ganesh / Vinayagar Chatturthi (18th) | September |
27 | Long Excursion | September |
28 | Monthly Personality Development Course | September |
29 | Distribution of Dress-materials to Students | September |
30 | Monthly Cultural Activities (Violin & Keyboard practice) | September |
31 | International Senior-Citizens Day (1st) | October |
32 | Distribution of Dress-materials to Senior-citizens & others | October |
33 | Gandhi Jayanthi (2nd) | October |
34 | Birthday Celebration of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (15th) | October |
35 | Navaratri Celebrations / Durga Puja (10 Days, 15th to 24th) | October |
36 | Planting of Saplings | October |
37 | Monthly Personality Development Course | October |
38 | Deepavali – Festival of Lights (12th) | November |
39 | Skantha Sasti Festivals (7 Days, 13th to 19th) | November |
40 | Children’s Day Celebrations (14th) | November |
41 | Monthly Cultural Activities (Kol-attam practice) | November |
42 | Gurunanak Jayanthi (30th) | November |
43 | Monthly Personality Development Course | November |
44 | Long Excursion | December |
45 | Birthday of Mahakavi Bharathiyar (11th) | December |
46 | Christmas Celebration (25th) | December |
47 | Shri. Ramana Maharishi Jayanthi (28th) | December |
48 | Monthly Personality Development Course | December |
49 | Monthly Cultural Activities (Winter Coaching Camp) | December |
50 | Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi (12th) | January |
51 | Pongal Celebrations (15th) | January |
52 | Thiruvalluvar Day (16th) | January |
53 | Republic Day Celebrations (26th) | January |
54 | Monthly Personality Development Course | January |
55 | Monthly Cultural Activities (Thevaram & Thiruvasagam recitals) | January |
56 | SSCT Annual-Day Celebrations (8th) | February |
57 | Monthly Personality Development Course | February |
58 | Monthly Cultural Activities (Mridangam & Veena practice) | February |
59 | International Women’s Day (8th) | March |
60 | Monthly Personality Development Course | March |
61 | Monthly Cultural Activities (Annual recap) | March |
Event calendar
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